I don't know if any of you are familiar with Jack Miller's Sonship...ministry, I guess you'd call it. Basically he created this originally for missionaries that would become burnt out in their ministry. Anyway- the basic idea of Sonship is knowing and believing that we have been adopted by the Father. If we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we have been adopted. Once we were orphans, but now belong to our Heavenly Father. I'd encourage you to check this stuff out, it's solid! Something they really focus on is the heart. What is the heart motive of everything that we do say and think? Understanding and recognizing the ways that we are dominated by our flesh, rather then led by the Spirit. When we diagnose our heart problems, we can then apply the Gospel, living by faith in the righteousness that we have IN Jesus. "Keep thy heart with all diligence: for out of it [are] the issues of life." -Proverbs 4:23 (kjv) So anyway, there is this tongue assignment that they came up with called, "The Infamous Sonship Tongue Assignment. And the way to have the heart open to the depth of the flesh/sinful nature, is to participate in this tongue assignment. I started it today, and have already failed miserably! BUT the goal of this is to not try to be "more righteous" or to please God, but the goal is to see our need for a Savior and to believe the Gospel afresh! So with all that said, be prepared to be humbled and to run quickly to our Savior Jesus. I will be doing this, this next week (and hopefully beyond that), are you willing to do it with me? I guarantee that you will see yourself as a bigger sinner than ever before, yet you will see the Cross become soooo much bigger in your life! Are you ready....?
Try to keep these "laws" for one week
1. Don't gossip. (confess someone else's sins)
2. Don't complain about anything.
3. Don't blameshift or make excuses.
4. Don't defend yourself.
5. Don't boast about anything...
Okay- so this is definitely going to be challenging...and your first thoughts may be..."okay, well I just wont talk then..." That was mine...but no...here's the second part of the assignment.
1. Speak only good about others
2. Thank God for His plan for your life
3. Admit it when you are wrong or you sin
4. Rejoice, you're worse than you think!
5. ...except in your weaknesses (2 cor. 12:9)
And the key thing that we must remember, is that God doesn't love us any more or any less if we do or don't do these things. We will fail, but HIS grace covers that. Are you willing to admit that you cannot do it on your own, but that you need the help and grace of our great and holy God and Savior?
I was going to attach a link below but I can't get it to work, SO if you google "the infamous sonship tongue assignment" and look up images you'll find it! I really encourage you to print it out and stick it somewhere where you will see it through out your day! If you decide to do this assignment, feel free to comment, because I would like to pray for you as I do it as well!! Anyone with me....?