In the next couple days I will be changing the name of my blog:
This is taken from Psalm 63. The Psalmist cries out to his God, saying how he longs so desperately for his Lord. David realizes that His Father's love is much richer and satisfying than anything life can offer; even life itself.
Verse 3. "...Your steadfast love is better than life"
Near the end of this Psalm, David says, "My soul follows hard after You; Your right hand upholds me."
In the original Greek, the word for 'follow hard' is 'dabaq'. Which means ;
cling, stick, stay close, cleave, keep close, stick to, stick with, follow closely, join to, overtake, to stay with, to be joined together, to cleave to, to pursue closely, to overtake, to be made to cleave.
Think about that definition for a minute. To be joined together, to stay close and stick to... We are literally MADE to cleave to our Lord.
The second part of that verse is the most important. "Your right hand upholds me". The Greek word for 'upheld' is ' 'tamak', which means;
to grasp, hold, support, attain, lay hold of, hold fast, grasp, lay hold of, attain, to hold up, support, to hold, keep, to take hold of each other, to be seized, be held.
The Lord lays hold of my heart and life. He keeps me, and supports me to follow hard after Him. It's a beautiful picture of His love and grace. This is the most important and crucial part of this verse because we are incapable of clinging to or following hard after the Lord, without Him upholding us.
This is the reason and meaning for my blog name... for those of you that actually care! As His children, we follow hard after Him in faith, believing and trusting in Him as His righteous right hand uphold us. Thank You, Jesus!!
Mmmmm, so good!